Tagged "<9m00s/mi"
- 5K
- Hats Off
- #TCSNYCMarathon 2024
- 10K
- Two Weeks Out
- Usual 5K v2
- Figure Drawing
- Clear the Mind
- Budapest 1
- Run with Ilan 66
- Morning Dip
- 10K
- The Other Way
- Thunder
- Peru 5, Lima, Miraflores
- Peru 1, Lima, Miraflores
- Peru -1
- Medellin in Central Park
- Berlin -1
- Percentiles
- Taper T-7
- Profiteroles
- Against the Winds
- Wake Up
- Dash Crosstown
- Talk to Your Kids About Drugs
- Long Last
- Run with Ilan 40
- Pace
- Seattle 1
- Not Breaking any Streaks
- Brooklyn
- Citibike 1
- New Orleans 3
- #pitchandrun
- Sigue Siempre Derecho
- Reverse Harlem Usual
- Against all Winds
- Harlem Croissants
- Toronto 2023
- Slow and Steady
- Noo Shoos
- Run with Ilan 15 (14 1/2 -> Spanish Harlem)
- Run with Ilan 10
- Spanish Harlem: Part 2
- Fire Island 2
- Saõ Paolo 1: Stop & Go
- Rio 5: Ipanema -> Leblon
- Rio 3: Ipanema -> Copacabana -> Leblon
- Rio 2: Leblon -> Copacabana
- Rio 1: Copacabana
- Carb Loaded in Italy
- Equinox Lap
- Start Small
- Randalls Island
- Island Morning
- Jamaica, Man 🇯🇲
- Ravens Plate
- Re-Loop
- Double Loop
- Brisket and Latkes
- Victory Run 🇺🇸
- Seeing Orange
- From the Top
- East Harlem Special ++
- The Central Park Usual
- Fire Island 2
- Reverse Central Park
- Back to the Island
- Covid-5, 14 to go
- Covid-4, 15 to go
- #TCSNYCMarathon 2019
- Williamsburg ➡️
- Breaking 17
- Seattle 14
- Seattle Perfect Running Weather
- Another Hill Another Night
- Regular Loop #NYRRVirtualRacing
- Two Bridges
- September 11
- Tried for Brighton Beach
- Death at 12.5
- Restarting the Engine
- Prep for #UnitedAirlinesHalf
- Last Run in Havana, Malecón
- Hot heavy and super slow.
- Fuck me the last mile.
- Full Loop!
- West Side Story